7 Features Your Website Must Have

If you have a website then you must have these 7 features on your website. A visually appealing website it’s no more a success parameter. That’s why good usability is important. It will set your website apart from your competition.

In today’s time when everyone is buying things online, you cannot afford to lose a customer by not having these 7 features on your website. Your website should be updated regularly to build a better relationship with customers.

Usually, you hire a web developer or web designer to set up your website but that’s not enough they might know how to set up a website or design a website but they don’t know which features must be there to improve your sales and marketing.

As an owner of a local business, you should have a basic idea of what you need to have on your site and what to avoid.

1. Contact Us page

The Contact Information of the company should be easily available so that the customers can connect with your team directly. Besides offering the opportunity for visitors to contact you, your contact information can also help visitors make sure the website they are using is legitimate.

2. About Us page

About us, the page of any business is the most important on a website. It is an opportunity to describe your business and how you started the company. It is the section where you provide information about your business and what it can deliver. This helps the audience know what you are working for, how long you have been in the market, and what are your vision and mission.

3. Reviews and Testimonials

The feedback we get from our clients or existing customers helps to attract new customers. If anyone wants to purchase any product or needs any service if they can go through your reviews and testimonials, trust can be built. A good way to keep the customers on your site is to show reviews and testimonials.

4. Call To Action

Having a call to action button on a website is important so that you can direct the audience to execute a task. It can also help the visitors to go through the buying journey and it can affect the conversion rate. The call to action button can be to fill out the contact form, signup for the newsletter, book for a demo, and get a free sample. This button should be easily available to get the results.

5. Live Chat

Many people are looking to connect directly with the company’s team so that they directly ask their queries and get a response immediately, it also saves their time. To connect with customers and built relationships, install the live chat option on your website.

According to a survey, 63% audience says that they are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat. 44% of online customers say having answered queries instantly is the most important feature of a website. 38% said that they purchased due to the chat session itself.

6. Social Media Presence

Having social media presence matters a lot for a website as an audience can directly connect with any brand on social media. On social media you can easily share the details, what are you offering, and any updates related to your company. Social media is the best way for a brand to build a relationship with the audience which can be converted into potential customers.

7. Newsletter

When used right, your newsletter will allow your business to demonstrate authority and expertise on particular subjects or your products and services.

Also, read 7 social media marketing mistakes you must avoid.

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